Big Gigs and Summer News
by therealting on Sep.06, 2007, under Brown:music, Gigs
Some very exciting news - subject to final confirmation, I will be playing gigs at some of the biggest venues in the UK with Brown:music (rebranded from Brownmusic), supporting one of the biggest bands in the UK at the moment. Watch this space!
In other news, the Artiste List has been updated with a few more names I have worked with over summer. I will be slowing down my gigging pace in the near future for at least the next 9 months. No, I’m not pregnant… I’m just shifting focus to a teaching qualification which will allow me to teach music in secondary schools and colleges.
Website Updates
by therealting on Dec.30, 2006, under Website
Slightly modified website layout, with some new information and pictures. Check out the new, updated Artiste List page!
[no longer applicable thanks to the new website layout!]
by therealting on Dec.28, 2006, under Brown:music, Other, The BlueJacks, The Johann Collective
Finally updated the website with some new music clips, and a brand new music player! Click the launchpad at the top left of this window to have a listen.
This year is going to be a big one - new band The Johann Collective, with debut EP expected in January, and gigs coming up later in the year. Also look forward to more gigs with Brownmusic, Kirsty, Julian Perretta and Aaron Short. Stay tuned…
2006 Gigs!
by therealting on Mar.10, 2006, under Brown:music, Gigs
New year, new gigs (although a late update I must admit).
I’ve actually gone ahead and set up a dedicated Gigs page (new link on the left too). Check it out, and come by to one sometime!
Also, Brownmusic’s long-awaited E.P. is now available, unfortunately you will have to come along to one of our gigs to buy one, until we get the online thing sorted out…
Final Gigs of 2005
by therealting on Dec.01, 2005, under Brown:music, Gigs, Other, The BlueJacks
December tends to be a busy time for musicians, and this year that includes me! I will be involved with Brownmusic gigs on the 2nd and 13th, and depping in acoustic duo Itchy & Scratchy (with Aaron Short) on the 17th. Gigs with Kirsty are also continuing every Wednesday as usual. See you there!